Author Margaret MaterARH – We are pleased to welcome Margaret Mater as our Featured Author for this week. 

MM – Thank you so much for having me! waves

ARH – Please tell us a little more about yourself.

MM – I grew up in Kansas and I love red shoes.  I have been married three years; we got married in Las Vegas.  I have a seven-year old boy with autism, and he is the light of my life.  I’ve been a practicing pagan for about seven years and I follow an Egyptian path.  London is my favorite place on earth.  I got to hug Andy Serkis once.  I moved to Arizona four years ago because I’ve always loved the desert even though I’m an earth person.  I have an older sister who lives in Las Vegas, which means I always have an excuse to go there, and my younger brother lives in Kansas.  I am a shameless geek who loves Buffy, Roswell, X-Files, Star Wars and Star Trek; is thrilled that the boy is into Harry Potter and Star Wars, and will be dressing up for next year’s Phoenix Comic-Con.

ARH – How did you get started as a writer?

MM – I’ve been writing since I can remember.  Whether it was bad poetry, bad short stories, or bad fan fiction, I like to think I’ve evolved into a much better writer.  It’s always been the best way I could find to express my feelings and the crazy ideas that run through my mind.

ARH – Tell us more about What Might Have Been.

MM – chuckles This story has been through at least ten different incarnations.  It started life as an homage to the Kurt Russell movie “Tombstone,” and then became what it is today: a blend of history, time travel, romance, and adventure.  It sweeps you from modern day times back into Tombstone in 1881, and gives the reader a chance to immerse their own mindset as the heroine has to as well.

ARH – Why did you choose to go with Eloquent Books (now Strategic Book Group)?  What was that experience like?

MM – Honestly, they were the first agency to contact me about publishing, and I was so thrilled I jumped at the chance.  It is a self-published effort, and it’s been very instructive as to what to do and what not to do.

What Might Have Been coverARH – What inspired you to write this book?

MM – Three things: one, my love of history, especially of Tombstone itself.  Two, my dislike of characters who immediately adjust into a different time period with no thought of realistic consequences.  I cannot imagine that, should a person from modern times be thrust into a completely different period, that they would be loved and adored by the citizens of said time, nor that said person would not have to adjust themselves in order to survive.  I wanted to take the reader through a bit rougher view of what time travel might be like, as well as pose the question: what would you do to survive?  Oh, and three: Bill Paxton’s lips.

ARH – Do you have more writing ideas for the future?

MM – Plenty!  The only thing I don’t have enough of is time!  I’m attempting to dip into a few different genres: chick lit, horror, parody, thriller.

ARH – Are you planning to use Strategic Book Group now that they have changed, or do you have another publisher in mind?

MM – As much as I have enjoyed the experience overall, I am hoping to go through a more traditional publishing house; I think it might be a better fit for me.  However, I am also looking at e-book publishing; it is the future, like it or not.

ARH – As an author, what do you think is the most important piece of advice that you would give an unpublished writer?

MM – Read as much as you can.  You learn so much from reading on how to mold your own style of writing.  My next bit is to write as much as you can!  Write a few sentences, write pages, but keep writing!  Never give up, never surr–wait, can I say that?

ARH – Where can we go to learn more about you and purchase your book?

MM – You can check out the great summary and purchase at  You can also find it at and Follow me on my blog at  I am on Facebook and on Twitter as @MaggieMooAtYou.  (Long story about that name.)  I love to answer questions and hear feedback!

ARH – We appreciate you spending some time with us today Margaret!  We wish you continued luck with your future writing endeavors.